TV Commercials

As one of the UK's leading voice overs, I'm often asked "What Makes A Good Advert?"

Think about the last TV advert you watched. Was it purely visuals, or was the message made memorable for you using a voice over artist?

TV commercials with voice overs can be more effective because they:

  • Grab the viewer's attention: A well-executed voice over can immediately draw the viewer's focus to the ad.
  • Provide clear messaging: Voice overs help to convey a clear message and explain the key features and benefits of a product.
  • Establish a tone: Voice overs can be used to set the mood and tone of an ad, helping to create a memorable and emotional connection with the audience.
  • Keep viewers engaged: In a fast-paced environment like television, a voice over artist can keep the audience engaged and focused on the ad.s

The effectiveness of a TV commercial with a voice artist can vary depending on the quality of the voice over, how well it aligns and complements the visuals, and how successfully it resonates with the target audience.

​You can depend on me to understand the brief, correctly interpret the script, and bring feeling and meaning to my performance so that your product or service truly connects with your brand and, most importantly,  clients.

Voice overs are not just restricted to advertising, of course.  Corporate voiceovers, voiceovers for eLearning, as well as voice talent required for radio and acting work also have their place.

Click on my TV commercials below to watch some of my recent work, and contact me today if you think I can help you with your next project.

Call me today on 07786585995 or email me