Breskur Talsetjari


Viltu láttu í þér heyra á Bretlandi? Breskur talsetjari getur hjálpað þér!


Ef þu vilt auglysa vöru á Bretlandi, þá getur Cromerty York aðstóða þig. Hér er um að ræða Bresk leikkona (skráð hjá Equity) sem hefur serhæft sig sem talsetjari. Hun er með yfir 10 àra reynsla, hefur unnið fyrir innlend og erlent fyrirtæki og mun sjá til þess að talsetja i stíl við vörunnar.

Hun hefur mjög falleg rödd sem er létt og sannfærandi. Með mikilu reynslu og eigin stúdíó, hun er ein þekktustu talsetjari a Bretlandi. Hun getur framleit upptöku með stuttu fyfirvara, oftast innan solahring. Hlustar à dæmi hėrna.

Hun vinnur mest að talasetja fyrir tölvuleikir, e-nám, fyritækisþjálfun, símaþjonusta, útvarps og sjónvarps auglysingar og heimildarmyndir. Hun getur breyt röddina, framburðum og hreim eftir þörfum.

Hun hefur unnið nýlega hjá þekkt fyrirtæki eins og NASA, M&C Saatchi, Nestlé, Toyota, the European Parliament, Fisher-Price, Lidl, Philips, Oral-B og Pandora plús mjörg útvarpssöðum á Bretlandi og víður. Sjá meira upplysingar um viðskiptavinum hérna.

Extremely High Quality Voice Overs

Continually dedicated, professional, timely, efficient & accommodating, making sure she delivers extremely high quality voiceovers. Never a need for a re-read. Cromerty makes a difference & that’s why we work with her!

Stuart Chambers (Executive Producer)
Viola Communications

Wonderful & Professional

Ms. York was a wonderful voiceover to work with. She was very professional and has a quick response/ turn around time even with a six hour time difference!

Brett Redden (Writer/Producer)

Absolutely Brilliant

Cromerty has been absolutely brilliant, enhancing and meeting above standards for our new video game, Duckles: the Jigsaw Witch. Her turnaround was very quick, at a reasonable price. She is a joy to work with and look forward to including her voiceover talents into our new cartoon series and many games in the future. PS- her French is superb – a big recommend!

Nigel Emmanuel
Turbulon Interactive

A Delight To Work With

Cromerty was a delight to work with. She was professional, courteous and delivered a 100% perfect job swiftly and within budget. I couldn’t ask for more.

Keith Crook

Always the best

It’s a pleasure to work with Cromerty. Always on time, always the best.

Melis Oktay

Beautiful Voice!

Great talent! Beautiful voice! Fast response It’s a pleasure to work with Cromerty!

Tatyana Sentykova
Elephant Games

Voice Reels